20 PHOTOS: New winner at Giant Pumpkin Festival

Big vegetables drew crowds to Kyogle today for the Giant Pumpkin and Watermelon Festival.

The giant pumpkins were displayed on Stratheden St.

John Leadbeatter won this year’s heaviest pumpkin at 391 kgs.

Dale Oliver who won last year donated a huge pumpkin for the Guess the Weight competition.

Prizes were also given for the heaviest watermelon, longest zucchini and art prizes for painting and drawings of pumpkins and watermelons.

Competition results

Open pumpkin

1st-John Leadbeatter 391kg

2nd-Tracey Murphy 107.5kg

3rd-Geoff Frohloff 93kg

Under 250kg pumpkin

1st-Dale Oliver (Bushell Gourd) 50.5kg

2nd-Lilian Cox 31.5kg

3rd-Helen Goebel 24.5kg

Junior pumpkin

Pippa and Esther Galvin 17.5kg

Open watermelon

1st-Tony Frohloff 65kg

2nd-Geoff Frohloff 62kg

3rd-John Leadbeatter 34kg

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