86 students practice their story-dance before Brisbane comp

St Brigid’s Primary School students on stage performing Castles at the KMI Hall.

Kyogle got a sneak preview of the Castles dance story at the KMI Hall today, Monday, August 5.

Eighty-six St Brigid’s School students performed their dance routine on the Kyogle stage before they head to the 2024 Wakakirri Nationwide Story-Dance Festival in two days.

The St Brigid’s Wakakirri Group of students from year 1 to year 6, has been preparing for the performance for several months under the guidance of teachers Hayley Kennedy and Tilly Beetge.

The Wakakirri dance story Castles came from the inspiration from the artwork Måling (which translates to ‘measurement’) by Lisa Aisato.

The artwork that inspired the dance Castles.

The performance follows a student from childhood into adulthood embracing diversity and inclusion within our schools.

The Wakakirri Nationwide Story-Dance Festival is not just an opportunity for student dancers to shine but is a celebration of the arts.

St Brigid’s students will perform before the judges at Logan Entertainment Centre on Wednesday, August 7.

Good luck to the dancers.

Photos: Susanna Freymark

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