A bridge by any other name… council chooses eight new names

Eight  bridges are being named by Richmond Valley Council.

These are the names: Hansens Bridge, Monaghans Bridge, Whiteside Bridge, Trustums Bridge, Mathers Bridge, Nowlans Bridge, Watsons Bridge and One Tree Crossing.

What do you think of the names?

Here’s more about the bridges.

Hansens Bridge, The Gap Road, The Gap

The proposed bridge name Hansens Bridge is named after Neil Hansen who passed away in 2009.

Neil Hansen moved to the area in 1978, where he used to maintain the grounds at the Country Club Rural Fire Station – he would mow all the grounds, keep it weeded and clean the station.

When Neil visited relatives in Woodburn, he helped wash and polish the fire trucks.

Neil spent many hours assisting the RFS.

Monaghans Bridge, The Gap Road, The Gap

The proposed name is Monaghans Bridge – named after Reg Monaghan who passed away many years ago.

He was the landowner for more than 50 years and his property was adjacent to the bridge and the creek flowed through his property.

The property is still family-owned.

Reg also worked on the Gap Road in his younger days and owned Woodburn Butchery until it was sold to Morgan Brothers.

Whiteside Bridge, Old Tenterfield Road, Wyan

The proposed name is Whiteside Bridge, named after Alexander Whiteside.

Alexander was a historical property owner near the unnamed bridge as shown on the historical parish map of Hogarth, County of Richmond, edition 3, dated 1906.

Trustums Bridge, Manifold Road, Bentley

The proposed name of Trustums Bridge is because the Trustums family have been long term residents of the Bentley and North Casino area for more than 50 years, contributing to the community in many ways.

One Tree Crossing, Manifold Road, North Casino

The unnamed major culvert has the proposed named of One Tree Crossing.

In the early days, there was a large tree on the property owned by the Cole family at 455 Manifold Road.

This tree was the focal point for drovers to stop and rest their herd. Part of the tree could still be seen up to six years ago.

It was such a prominent fixture that a school nearby on Manifold Road was named One Tree School and there was also a dip on the corner of Manifold Road and Savilles Road called One Tree Dip.

Nowlans Bridge, Gores Road, Spring Grove

Nowlans Bridge is the proposed bridge name.

The Nowlan family’s ownership of land in Spring Grove dates back to 1908 when Henry Nowlan bought the first block of land at auction. To this day, generations of Nowlan families have continued to reside or own property along Gores Road.

Olivers Bridge, Gores Road, Naughtons Gap

Olivers Bridge is the proposed bridge name.

The name comes from historical landowner, Oliver Nowlan, near the bridge.

Watsons Bridge, Edenville Road, Stratheden

The proposed bridge name is Watsons Bridge, because of the Watson Family, who operate a multi-generational dairy farming business on the farmland surrounding the bridge.

John and Barbara Watson bought the farm in the early 1970s at 25 Edenville Road, Stratheden.

The farm surrounds the bridge on Edenville Road. Following the purchase of the farm, they constructed a new dairy and, with their herd of Red Poll cattle, started supplying milk to Norco.

Following the deaths of John and Barbara, the operation of the dairy farm has been continued by other members of the family.

Have your say on the names

These names are on public exhibition and if you want to have a say you can make a submissions by:

Post to – Locked Bag 10 Casino NSW  2470

Email – council@richmondvalley.nsw.gov.au

Hand delivery – at either of Council’s Customer Service Centres in Casino and Evans Head

Online submission – by completing an online submission form via Council’s website.

Submissions close  November 1.

This information is from Richmond Valley Council.

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