ABOVE: Outside the Beef Week office in Casino was the Beef Week committee and volunteers with the politicans. Sandra Humphrys, Lyn McKey, Minister David Littleproud, president Frank McKey, MP Kevin Hogan, coordinator Jacob Stone and in front Brenda Armfield. Photo: Susanna Freymark
Susanna Freymark
“Beef is great no matter where it is in Australia,” Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said in Casino on Monday, May 2.
“I won’t name a Beef Capital,” Mr Littleproud said.
He did name an amount of money – that was $1 million over three years for the running of the Casino Beef Week 11-day festival, held every May.
The million was a commitment not an election promise, Mr Littleproud said.
The Federal Government has given $6 million to the Beef Australia event in Rockhampton.
President Frank McKey was at the announcement outside the Beef Week office in Casino.
“We’re happy to accept the one million,” he said.
Shadow Minister for Agriculture Julie Collins confirmed a Labor Government would ensure the same $1 million funding to Casino Beef Week was delivered over the same three year period.
Beef Week is on May 21-31.
For more details go here.