Bentley Quarry decision put off for three months

ABOVE: Charles Wilkinson runs the group Beyond Bentley. Here he is handing in his submission against the quarry DA at council offices in Casino.

Susanna Freymark

It will be another three months before a decision is made on the development application for the Bentley Quarry in the Richmond Valley LGA.

On Wednesday, August 24, the Regional Planning Panel held a teleconference with about 50 community members online.

Usually the panel makes its decision within seven days of that meeting.

This time the panel is deferring consideration of the Bentley Quarry DA to clarify issues that were raised in the public meeting following numerous community representations.

Acting chair of the meeting Penny Holloway announced the deferment at the end of the teleconference.

There were 216 submissions against the DA, three were neutral and eight were in favour of the quarry expansion.

Those on the teleconference who were against the DA raised the issues of noise, impact on wildlife such as koalas, increased traffic on the Bentley Rd and the disturbance to the valley with its vision of ecotourism including the rail trail.

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