Agents yarded a total of 1,360 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange regular prime sale on Wednesday, April 27.
Young cattle made up the largest percentage of the yarding although there was a fair penning of cows.
The yarding of young cattle consisted of some good runs of well finished and well-bred vealers however, there was increased numbers of light plain weaners that were showing the effects of the wet weather.
Most of the young cattle went to restockers, mainly to the west of the state and Queensland.
Cow prices were stronger again this week averaging 352.2c/kg and reaching a top price of 424.2c/kg.
Lighter heifers up to 250kg held firm averaging 655.1c/kg and topping their category at 820.0c/kg.
Heavier heifers over 250kg saw a drop averaging 520.2c/kg and reached a top of 626.2c/kg.
Bull prices held firm with 20 head sold averaging 350.8c/kg and 767kg.
Steer prices were back this week with steers up to 250kg averaging 676.9c/kg and reaching a top price of 890.2c/kg.
Heavier steers over 250kg averaged 538.9c/kg and topped their market at 686.2c/kg. A small number of bullocks sold on the day averaged 407.2c/kg.
Vealer prices were easier this week with lighter vealer up to 250kg averaging 653.0c/kg and reaching a top of 866.2c/kg.
Heavier vealer over 250kg averaged 575.7c/kg with a top price of 686.2c/kg.
T&W McCormack and Ramsey & Bulmer held a joint store sale at the NRLX on Friday, April 29 with 1,875 head going under the hammer.
Steers topped their category at 926.2c/kg and averaged 650.5c/kg and 251kg while heifers reached a top of 820.2c/kg and averaged 596.8c/kg and 231kg.
Cows reached a top price of $2,125 whilst Cows & Calves topped their market at $3,800.
Ramsey & Bulmer and Ray White Rural held the annual Commercial Brahman and Brahman Infused Female Sale on Saturday, April 30 with 488 head going under the hammer.
Top price for the day went to a pen of five PTIC heifers sold by M & J Livestock Trading for $3,150 per head.
Ian Weir & Son will hold a store sale at the NRLX this Friday, May 6. Further bookings are welcome.
NRLX business administration coordinator Tegan George
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