Bull, steer and vealer prices stronger

Agents yarded 855 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange regular prime sale on Wednesday, March 15.

The penning was dominated by vealer steers and heifers plus cows with a small sample of bulls and bullocks. The regular buying panel included restocker buyers from Queensland. The quality of the young cattle penned was not up to last week’s standard.

Cow prices held firm on last week averaging 244c/kg and reaching a top price of 272c/kg.

Heifer prices were easier with lighter stock up to 250kg averaging 306c/kg and topping at 398c/kg. Heavier heifers over 250kg averaged 288c/kg and reached a top of 330c/kg.

Bull prices saw an increase with 29 head sold averaging 242c/kg and 682kg.

Steer prices were stronger with lighter stock up to 250kg averaging 414c/kg and reaching a top of 502c/kg. Heavier steers over 250kg averaged 366c/kg and topped at 460c/kg. A large number of bullocks sold on the day averaged 320c/kg and reached a top of 325c/kg.

Vealer prices were slightly dearer this week averaging 376c/kg and 249kg and reaching a top of 472c/kg.

George & Fuhrmann held day one of their weaner sales at the NRLX on Friday, March 17 with 1997 head going under the hammer. Steers topped at 480c/kg and averaged 408c/kg and 272kg whilst heifers reached a top of 500c/kg and averaged 357c/kg and 251kg.

Ray White Rural held a breeder sale on Saturday, March 18 with 371 head sold on the day.

Cows reached a top price of $2220, cows & calves topped at $2380 and PTIC heifers reached a top of $2460.

George & Fuhrmann will hold days two and three of their weaner sales on March 23 and 24 with 5500 head expected.

NRLX business administration coordinator Tegan George

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