Butterflies, a band, stitching and food recovery benefit from community grants

ABOVE: Recipients of the NRCF grants. Photo: Contributed

Projects ranging from protecting butterflies to a modern band and stitching circle are local projects that received grants from the Northern Rivers Community Foundation’s Community Grants Program.
Forty-nine groups received money from a pool of $327,177 with four groups highlighted in our region.
Grants were supported by funding from the James Frizelle Charitable Foundation, Portland House, Dunnet Foundation, Global Giving and Charmian Bourne.
$5000 to Big Scrub Orchestra
The aim is to provide modern band music learning, recording, and performing opportunities for young people in Bonalbo and Casino West to build emotional resilience from the bushfires, drought and covid lockdowns. They will perform their original songs on stage at the Ewingar Rising Festival next year.
$9090 to Kyogle Family Support Services          
This is for the Muli Ladies Club – Stitching our Story, Stitching our Future. The Muli Ladies Club Project supports the development of sewing skills for designing, altering and mending clothing. This helps save money and earn an income in a remote region from Aboriginal merchandise.
$10,000 to the Mid Richmond Neighbourhood centre for Food Recovery Far North Coast NSW
Food Recovery rescues edible food from food establishments across the region. Produce is provided to individuals and families in need. The free distribution is carried out through community pantries, hampers and pre-made frozen emergency meals at participating community neighbourhood centres across the Northern Rivers.
$6165 for Roseberry Creek Landcare
Two decades of conservation efforts of the Richmond birdwing butterfly have been disrupted by drought, fire and habitat loss. A unique vine species for egg laying and caterpillar food is the answer to the long-term sustainability of this native butterfly. This innovative schools project will teach the habitat values of conservation. Eleven Kyogle rural schools will learn about the Richmond birdwing butterfly and the rare species of vine required for their survival.
The Richmond birdwing butterfly. Photo: Contributed


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