Cattle farmer aims to improve her herd with sustainable farming course

Cattle farmer Marg Gillespie with her mentor Craig Carter. Photo: Contributed

Tabulam cattle farmer Marg Gillespie knew she needed to make some changes on her property as the cost of chemicals and synthetic fertilisers kept rising.

“Our margins were just getting smaller and smaller,” Marg said.

“We could see that conventional farming wasn’t going to be sustainable, so to look for more regenerative methods of farming just made sense to us.”

Marg signed up for the Regenerative Agriculture Mentoring Program run by Southern Cross University and the Regenerative Agriculture Alliance.

The program helped Marg make changes which have had a positive impact on her farm business.

“Our goal is to continue with the grazing management and working towards improving the cattle herd, making the country resilient, improving the carbon content of the soil and improving water retention,” Marg said

Applications are now open for the next six-month program to connect farmers with expert mentors and a community of likeminded people to help in the transition from conventional to regenerative farming practices.

RAMP manager Dr Simone Blom said it was exciting to see farmers looking for new solutions to farming challenges.

The program costs $330 and starts in early November and finishes in June next year with a break from mid-December to February.

Applications close on October 20, book a seat here.

For more detail contact Dr Blom at

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