ABOVE: Cattle at the NRLX in Casino. Photo: NRLX
Ray White Rural held their first store sale of the year at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange today, Friday, January 21, with 829 head sold.
Steers topped their category at 1035.2c/kg and averaged 712.1c/kg and 245kg.
Heifers reached a top of 788.2c/kg and averaged 679.1c/kg and 239kg.
Cows achieved a top return of $3,620 whilst Cows & Calves reached $4,200.
T&W McCormack and Ramsey & Bulmer will be holding a 2-day store sale at the NRLX on Friday and Saturday, January 28-29 with more than 2000 head on offer. Further bookings are welcome.
NRLX agents yarded a total of 1,210 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange prime sale on Wednesday, January 19.
Young cattle were well supplied and made up a large percentage of the yarding, while there was a fair penning of cows.
The yarding of young cattle consisted mainly of vealers and weaners, along with a small offering of yearlings.
Quality was good with most cattle well represented in good condition and there were several runs of well-bred cattle through the sale.
Restockers were active in the market, purchasing the largest percentage of the cattle.
Competition was strong for all classes of young cattle with restocker vealer and weaner steers selling from 600c to 936c/kg for well-bred lightweights.
The restocker weaner heifers followed a similar trend to the steers to meet keen demand, ranging from 568c to 772c/kg.
Yearlings to restockers and backgrounders sold strongly depending on weight and quality.
The yarding of export cattle consisted mainly of cows, with insufficient numbers of grown steers and heifers for a reliable quote.
There was limited processor participation, in the sale which resulted in cow prices being firm to 10c/kg cheaper.
Medium weight 3 score cows averaged 346c, while heavy cows topped at 380c/kg.
Market reporter Doug Robson