“Halfway stinks!’ Chef and cafe owner has had enough, writes to Premier

Susanna Freymark

Despite lockdown being lifted and vaccinated people able to visit their favourite pub or cafe, the streets of Casino were quiet today.

Essential businesses operated as usual, customers signing in with the QR code and wearing masks.

For the bank and computer shop, things weren’t so different from the past weeks.

Yet  cafes, pubs, hairdressers and beauty salons were in the position of having to check people entering their premises had proof of their vaccination.

One op shop volunteer in Casino said most people had been okay about the new rules but there had been some “abuse”.

Mario Scholl from The Lazy Labrador Cafe in Centre St, Casino  has had enough and he wrote an email to Premier Dominic Perrottet about the new regulations affecting his business.

Email to the Premier

Good morning Premier,

I respectfully ask for a written response to my email please.

I’m Mario, a chef from Casino, NSW that eventually opened a little cafe in town hoping to be able to run his own little business the way I wanted.

In strolls COVID-19.

The decision to shut borders, businesses and literally stop the nation was probably warranted, but now that we understand how to best keep this virus at bay, let us run our businesses.

I don’t have a digital public servant wallet/purse that automatically refills, I need to feed people to make a living.

The current regulations that have been put on businesses are ludicrous. My small business has adhered to all regulations over the past year and a half, and will continue to do so. But our community is struggling, like most, to come to terms with these new regulations.

I do not understand how I can have staff work with one jab, but I can’t let customers enter unless fully vaccinated.

What the ____ ?

This regulation is inflammatory and discriminatory. My staff have been put in an unreasonable position as have our patrons.

Can someone who made this rule please come and stand at the front door and explain to my customers why they can or can not come in?

Talk about the straw that broke the camel’s back!

Halfway stinks!

Can you please revise this rule and at least let the unvaccinated enter my premises to order and pick up up there food. I can not comprehend what great medical and/or political mind came up with this one!

Yours sincerely,

Mario Scholl

The Lazy Labrador Cafe


Understanding the situation in a country town, the Casino Chamber of Commerce & Industry wrote on Facebook:

Take the time to say thanks to a retail or hospitality worker today. It will be the start of a tough week for them and a bit of support will help a lot.

This was a sentiment in many shops in Casino.

It wasn’t back to business as normal, Mr Perrottet, and the joy of being out lockdown felt like a second prize.

GREEN TICK: Business bears the brunt of checking vax certificates

Workers in regional areas who have received one vaccination dose can return to their workplace but will need to be fully vaccinated by November 1.


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