Community to discuss new info for 60-lot development plans

ABOVE: A sign on the fence line of 59 Rileys Hill Rd where a 60-lot development is proposed.

Susanna Freymark

Residents will meet to discuss the housing development proposed for Rileys Hill Rd, Broadwater.

There have been several community meetings about the development application for 59 Rileys Hill Road.

Petitions opposing the development have also circulated.

Residents were urged at previous community meetings to put in submissions about the development application by April 13.

A community meeting at Broadwater Hall about the development.

Locals were keen for a decision to be made. Instead, they must wait because Richmond Valley Council has extended the submission deadline to May 12 because additional information has been added to the application.

The 60-lot subdivision has not been popular with locals for many reasons.

One of the most potent issues was that the site floods. Watch the video of 59 Rileys Hill Rd during the March 2022 floods here.

The community will meet to discuss the extra DA information at Broadwater Hall on Wednesday, April 26 at 7 pm.

Some of the reports added to the DA by Ardill Payne & Partners are:

Stormwater Management Plan

Bushfire Report

Concept Building Envelope And Driveway Plan

Flood Study Report Revision

Koala Assessment Report

RFI Response Issue

Traffic Assessment Revised

Click on any of the above links for that report.

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