Costa wows the crowds at Kyogle festival

It’s difficult to tell who had more fun — Costa or the audience at the KMI Hall in Kyogle today, Saturday, May 18.

Susanna Freymark

So many books to read, so many writers to meet and lots of deep conversations to be had.

The Kyogle Readers and Writers Festival wrapped up today, Saturday, May 18.

And it was Costa Georgiadis from the ABC show Gardening Australia who stole the hearts of the Kyogle crowd.

He was in conversation with Angela Catterns and she could barely get a word in as Costa talked, laughed, asked questions, answered questions, showed everyone his black cockatoo socks and gave away gardening magazines.

Other events included conversations about writing, alternative therapies, making zines and a whole lot more.

Kyogle has put the Readers and Writers Festival firmly on the map.

Here are some photos from the day.

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