Cow market holds firm with yarding of 1400 head at NRLX

There was a yarding of 1400 head at the NRLX in Casino today, Wednesday, September 4.

There was a good supply of young cattle and cow numbers continued to be consistent. 

The yarding of young cattle consisted mainly of weaners, along with several pens of yearlings. 

Quality of the young cattle was mixed with a large percentage of weaners showing the effects of winter, however there were several runs of well-bred weaner steers and heifers through the sale.

Most of the restocker cattle were destined for the Tablelands and Queensland. 

Restocker weaner steers were 10c dearer and more in places with premium prices being paid for lightweight well bred Angus weaner steers. 

There was a wide range in prices depending on weight and breed – steers sold from 340c to 449c to average 398c to 407c/kg. 

Restocker weaner heifers struggled to reach last week’s prices selling from 220c to 344 c/kg.

Yearling steers to feed and background ranged from 322c to 352c/kg.

The yarding of export cattle consisted mainly of cows along with several pens of grown steers and heifers. 

Grown steers saw little change selling from 294c to 334c, while heifers topped at 297c/kg. 

The cow market held firm with 2 score medium weights selling from 230c to 259c and 3 scores averaging 267c.

Four score cows ranged from 275c to 294c/kg.  Bulls reached a top price of 300c/kg.

Report compiled by Doug Robson from Meat & Livestock Australia.

NRLX at a previous sale day. Photo: Susanna Freymark
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