Crown reserve funding for weed control at koala habitat and park

State MP Richie Williamson with volunteer workers Richard Smith, Betty Archer and Neville Murray at the Broadwater Koala Reserve. Photo: Contributed

The Broadwater Koala Reserve gets $1415 to remove weeds and do some more planting in local koala habitat.

Five Crown land managers across Richmond and Clarence Valleys will receive funding for weed and pest control on government owned land reserves.

Richmond Valley Council gets almost $36,000 to control and eradicate invasive weeds while promoting the growth of native flora at Richmond Park in Casino.

The rest of the  $148,738  goes to projects in Clarence Valley including almost $30,000 for the Copmanhurst Recreation Reserve to replace fencing and for new spectator seating.

Richmond Park in Casino.

Find out more about funding at Crown Reserves Improvement Fund.

This information was provided by the office of State MP Richie Williamson.

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