Democracy tastes good when it’s a chocolate cake – free if you enrol to vote

ABOVE: A chocolate democracy cake made by Odette Nettleton.

Susanna Freymark

Comedian Odette Nettleton is deadly serious about getting young people to enrol to vote before the Federal election.

She has offered to make a chocolate democracy cake for any young person in Kyogle who registers to vote.

“Democracy tastes like chocolate,” Odette said.

My cakes are rustic, not shoddily made and I don’t care who you are voting for, I’ll make you a cake, she said.

This isn’t the Kyogle comedian’s first foray into making democracy taste delicious.

She was a busy baker at previous elections.

“Our Westminster system was designed so there was representation from all groups,” she said about her motivation.

If you are a young person who thinks Odette’s chocolate cake will entice you to register to vote and you live locally in Kyogle, contact her on her Facebook page Ask

It is compulsory by law for all eligible Australian citizens to enrol and vote in federal elections, by-elections and referendums.

A date for this year’s federal election is yet to be announced but is expected to be in March or April. Sitting MP for the Nationals Kevin Hogan and Labor candidate Patrick Deegan will be running in Page. Other candidates including independents are yet to be confirmed.

Find out about registering to vote here.

Odette Nettleton, second from left, with fellow comedians at the Kyogle Writers Festival. Photo: Susanna Freymark
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