Do not duck this week’s quiz if you seek old glory

Which way is up?

If any one gets 10 right this week, we’ll be shocked. Quizmaster John James Maloney has some tough quiz questions this week.


1 What is the product behind the well known Australian brand Redheads?

2 Earl Grey is a variety of what beverage?

3 What creek runs into the Richmond River, is it: Crackpot; Fuss Pot; or Iron Pot?

4 What country’s flag is nicknamed Old Glory?

5 The Torrens River runs through which Australian capital?

6 What is lapidary?

7 Why is an eiderdown quilt called that?

8 Hans Christian Andersen once said Where words fail, what speaks?

9 Approximately how old was the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun when he died – about 18/19 or about 28/29?

10 Who had the hits Pretty Woman, Penny Arcade and You Got it?

Our most famous redhead.


1 Matches.

2 Tea.

3 Iron Pot.

4 US.

5 Adelaide, South Australia.

6 The cutting, polishing and mounting of gemstones.

7 Because it used to be filled with down (the under-feathers) from an eider duck.

8 Where words fail, music speaks.

9 About 18 or 19.

10 Roy Orbison, the Big O.

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