We asked the ten Page candidates:
Do you believe there should be a Federal Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC)? Why and when?
Serge Killingbeck, TNL
It is one of TNL’s foundational policies to introduce a Federal ICAC at the first available opportunity. It must be independent of government; retrospective; able to investigate reports from the public; hold public hearings; investigate matters of ministerial impropriety and abuses of power not just criminal corruption.
Hanabeth Luke, Independent
I will fight hard for a National Integrity Commission with real teeth, to hold all politicians accountable, including myself if I am elected. I will always vote for our views and values – not vested interests or the party line.
Hold our politicians more accountable by supporting a national integrity commission to put an end to corruption and introduce a professional Code of Conduct for MPs.
Work with all levels of government, industry and business to ensure that decisions about the future of our region are evidence-based and community-driven.
Raise the standards of Australian political debate by putting an end to misleading and deceptive political adverts and making electoral funding transparent for all candidates.
Protect an impartial media by increasing funding to the ABC and supporting factual, unbiased reporting and Australian content.
Speak out for underrepresented groups including LGBTQI+, women, refugees and Indigenous Australians to ensure that they have a voice in policies that affect everyone.
Kashmir Miller, Greens
Yes, our Federal Government desperately needs an ICAC now to clean up the Coalitions destructive trail of scandals, pork barrelling and dodgy deals. Australia deserves a government that is not run on corruption and personal profit. The Greens plan to get corruption out of politics include creating a strong Federal integrity commission, banning all donations from coal and gas companies to get dirty donations out of politics and establish a statutory code of conduct for parliamentarians. We will provide $119M to establish a National Integrity Commission that will have broad and extensive investigation powers.
Ian Williamson, United Australia Party
A Federal ICAC is essential to give the Australian people confidence in the government of this country. This must be independent to all government bodies and report directly to the Australian people.
Patrick Deegan, Labor
Australia desperately needs a powerful, transparent and independent National Anti-Corruption Commission to restore faith and confidence in political processes and public institutions. A Labor Government will legislate a National Anti-Corruption Commission by the end of 2022
Heather Smith, Australian Federation Party
Yes, and as soon as possible. But an ICAC can only do so much, we actually need to completely shift the two-party culture in parliament and the only way to do that is by voting for the minor parties and ensuring we have a strong and diverse cross-bench that will push parliament back to a values based government.
Tom Searles, Liberal Democrats
Yes. My question is, why aren’t the major parties talking about the last two years? The biggest social and economic transition our community has ever endured, and no one will talk about it. The system is so corrupt that an ICAC investigation is simply a distraction. Although I would support it, I would rather an independent investigation into the greatest wealth transfer in human history combined with the greatest loss of freedoms in peacetime. That is an inquiry I would support.