Fine weather brings yarding of 1900 head at NRLX sales

Fine weather in the region gave producers a chance to move cattle resulting in a larger yarding of 1900 head at the NRLX cattle sales today, Wednesday, July 17.

The quality of the young cattle was mixed with several runs of well bred weaners, along with a fair number of plainer type cattle showing the effects of Winter. 

Increased buyer competition saw restocker weaners sell 20c to 30c dearer depending on weight and breed. 

Restocker weaner steers sold from 300c to 400c to average between 365c to 370c, while restocker weaner heifers sold from 220c to 324c/kg. 

Restocker yearling steers ranged from 252c to 330c and yearling heifers topped at 286c/kg.

The yarding of export cattle consisted mainly of cows along with a few pens of grown steers and heifers. 

Grown steers were 20c dearer selling from 296c to 320c/kg.

Grown heifers topped at 286c/kg.

The cow market improved by 20c to 30c with 2 score medium weights ranging from 222c to 260c, while 3 score medium weights averaged 257c and 4 score cows sold from 260c to 298c/kg. 

Heavy bulls sold to 258c/kg.

Report compiled by Doug Robson from Meat & Livestock Australia

Prices on July 17, 2024.

All cattle reports are in one place here.

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