Four (or forty) reasons to go to Beef Week

ABOVE: Children enjoying Breakfast at the Butchers. Photo: Susanna Freymark

Beef Week celebrates 40 years this week. Come along to your favourite events, and if you’ve never been before, here are four reasons to go in celebration of every decade of the Casino event.

1. Free steak

Yep, a free steak or sausage sandwich at Breakfast with the Butchers this Friday from 7am-9am. Get there early. Thousands of people come from everywhere to Casino, the only place in Australia where you get a free steak for breakfast.

Barbecues line Walker St and the police, the town’s butchers, mayor and others cook the meat. There’s plenty of things happening as you wander around the street eating your free steak or sausage.

It doesn’t sound like a big deal but the atmosphere is simply awesome.

This year there is a special photo shoot. Have your photo taken with Brenda Armfield for free. Don’t miss it.

Breakfast with the Butchers, Friday, May 27 – 7am-9am FREE

Cooking the biggest free breakfast in Australia. Photo: Susanna Freymark

2. Brenda in the moke

You might have seen Brenda Armfield in her lime-green moke around the streets of Casino in the lead-up to Beef Week. On Saturday, she leads the street parade.

There’s nothing like a country parade.

The parade features sports clubs, emergency services, bands, children, grown-ups dressed up (like kids), fire trucks and so much more.

Arrive early to get a good possie.

Beef Week Street Parade, Saturday, May 28 on Walker St  from 1.45pm FREE

It isn’t Beef Week unless Brenda Armfield is there. Photo: Susanna Freymark

3. Men in undies

Mr Beef is a competition like no other. Men of all ages, with varying degrees of bravado, strut the stage and whirl, twirl and gyrate while removing some/most of their clothes.

This event is not for the faint-hearted. The audience is vocal and the Casino RSM Club is packed.

The crowd decides who wins by the loudest applause and cheers.

Not only does Mr Beef win $1000, he gets to wear the $2 plastic helmet with horns (more Viking than cow) and be teased by his friends for the year.

All done in fun. Believe me, you have never been to an event like this.,

Mr Beef at the Casino RSM Club on Saturday, May 28 from 5pm PRE-PURCHASE TICKETS from the RSM Club.

There’s still time to enter. Get your good undies on and apply to enter email or go to the club’s reception

Last year’s Mr Beef with last year’s Beef Week Queen. Photo: Susanna Freymark

4. Cows … lots of cows

This year the cattle comps start on Wednesday, May 25.

For some reason it is thrilling to see all the different breeds of cows in Barker St, standing next to the shops and pubs.

Watch how the handlers preen the cattle before they go in the comp ring. Some of them even get a blow-dry.

The judging is serious and competition fierce.

Cattle Spectacular, Barker St starts Wednesday, May 25  noon-7pm with junior judging, school entries and the Led Steer  FREE

You’re never too young to lead cattle. Photo: Contributed


A few other must-do events include:

Bush Poets at the Hotel Cecil on Thursday, May 26 10am-noon FREE

Take a quiet moment and head to the Orchid Show on Thursday, May 26 at the Anglican Church 9am-4pm ENTRY $2

The Dot Robson Craft Fair at the Casino Civic Hall, Canterbury St Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28 from 9am-4pm

NSW Whip Cracking Titles at Walker St, north end on Saturday, May 28 9am-4pm

And there’s more

AFL match

Pie-eating Comp

Show ‘n’ Shine car show

Mini train rides

Live music at all the pubs on Saturday night

Check out the full Beef Week program.

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