Getting to know Steve Morrissey

Richmond Valley Council, Steve Morrissey, Casino, Independent

Tell us about where you live and your family.
I was born and raised in Casino and attended St Mary’s Primary School and Marist Brothers’ High School and am happily married to Angela. We have three children.
Over the years I have participated in many sports, being a Casino Rugby League ‘Cougar’ as well as playing cricket, touch football, squash and basketball.
I have been involved with Jumbunna Community Pre-School & Early Intervention Centre for well over 25 years, including eight years on the board, presently I am the vice president.


If you’ve been a councillor – what are you most proud of in your previous term?
I currently hold the Deputy Mayor position and am proud of this council’s achievements and what is planned for Richmond Valley’s future.


What do you bring to the role of councillor this election?
Community engagement is a high priority to me. I pride myself on being very approachable, as many would know.


What brings you joy in life?
I gain great enjoyment out of supporting many charities and am a long-time, leading model in Casino Beef Week’s Fashion Parade. I also have been known to annually don the ‘Big Fella’s’ red suit many times and look forward to it occurring again this year. (shhhhh).
What is your job? What do you like/dislike about it?
I am a butcher by trade. Having owned and operated my own Butcher Shop for 17 years and am now employed at Woolworths, Casino.


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