The projects to get a grant were listed at Kyogle Council meeting on Monday, November 13.
Twenty-three projects to the value of $34,712 come from the Community Assistance Grants Funding Program.
Other projects can be funded under the Local Government Flood Recovery Grant program.
Council staff will work with the unfunded project of a new website for Woodenbong Progress Association to identify an alternative funding source from existing operational budgets.
The largest grant of more than $25,000 is to restump the Dyraaba Hall.
Here are the projects:
Kyogle Family Support Services Neighbourhood Centre: $1000 food vouchers IGA
$990 for signage in front of the services building.
Woodenbong Community Coffee Group: $1500 to help purchase equipment for the Coffee club.
Woodenbong Amateur Swimming Club: $1320 to help cover the cost of life saving certificate and balance of account for swimmers paid to Swimming Australia.
Border Ranges Riding Club: $1000 to help cover the high cost of equine club insurance for 2024.
Kyogle Fishing Club: $5000 to help with the purchase of 18,000 Australian Bass fingerlings to be placed into Toonumbar Dam
$1,000 for toilets at Bells Bay Campground to pumped out.
Mallanganee Memorial Hall: $1000 to help in payment for Festival of Small Halls which costs $3800.
Christian Life Church Kyogle: $5000 for a community play space.
Anna Jackowiak- Hoare: $500 to pay artist to hold two creative art workshops for the Bonalbo community.
Bonalbo Artists Alliance: $1000 Community based art workshops, tutors in specialist art fields, art materials, exhibitions, and social
Old Bonalbo Soldiers Memorial Hall: $1000 to hire a band for the centenary celebrations at the hall.
Growing Kyogle – Community Christmas Lunch: $1000 for food and materials to create a Christmas atmosphere.
Kyogle Lions Community food pantry: $1000 to continue giving out local chemist vouchers.
Richmond River Beef Producers Association: $1000 for hiring sound equipment, advertising and ribbon awards for the Beef Bonanza 2024.
Jed Mulcahy: $500 towards travel to zone and regional finals.
Alex Grantham: $500 for Writing for Wellbeing workshop for rural women.
Grevillia Public Hall: $5000 for new cladding for the hall.
Bonalbo SOS Progress Association: $1000 to buy shelving for a storage container so equipment associated with the community can be safely and securely stored and $1000 to buy a defibrillator.
Woodenbong Common: $1400 to connect town water to the Woodenbong Common and install a drinking trough.
Richmond Range Rugby Club: $1000 for training and playing equipment.
Tabulam Public Hall Reserve Land Manager: $1000, Tabulam Hall is 100 years old and the hall committee is planning a centenary celebration.
Tabulam/Jubullum Regional History Association: $1000
Bonalbo District Memorial Hall: $1000 for new electrical wiring and power points and $5000 to install a visual museum in the foyer of Bonalbo Memorial Hall. The hall has a collection of photos dating back to the early 1930s. The intention is to have these repaired/touched up, printed and framed and hung in the hall’s foyer.
Bonalbo & Upper Clarence Lions Club Community Service Club: $9700 for two portable generators.
Kyogle Rugby Union Club & Kyogle Cricket: $1000 for technical drawings for Don Gulley Oval upgrade plan.
Dyraaba Hall: $25,046 for restumping the hall.
Fortem Australia: $2000 for support to first responders through guided well-being initiatives.
Kyogle Together: $1000 for training for UHF radio communication to be used in an emergency when communications are down.
Kyogle Family Support Services Neighbourhood Centre: $1000 for catering and supplies to run events for the Kyogle community and $1000 for community and cultural events at Muli Muli.
Northern NSW Helicopter Rescue Service: $1000 for a new set of night vision goggles to be located at the Lismore airbase.
Border Ranges Richmond Valley Landcare Network: $2770 to buy a trailer, pump, hoses and IBC tank to support watering of trees for landholders involved in Landcare projects.