Hospital visiting hours change in response to covid case numbers
February 13, 2022
As covid case numbers decline, the Northern NSW Local Health District is making changes to hospital visiting hours.
NNSWLHD has expanded general visiting hours, which are now between 1pm and 6pm daily, with patients able to receive one visitor, once a day for one hour for any reason during these times.
People can visit a patient for compassionate and care-giving reasons including when a patient is receiving end of life care, where there is a life-threatening condition, where carer assistance is required and for children under the age of 16.
There is no change to existing visiting arrangements for maternity services, and women can continue to nominate one support person during their labour, birth and post-delivery.
All visitors are screened on entry and should be ready to provide evidence of their vaccination status to health staff on arrival. Masks are also required.