If I had a hammer – there’s another voice making a mark this week

ABOVE: Young auctioneer Jack Maloney, far right, at the NRLX. Photos: Contributed

Susanna Freymark

It’s all about the voice.

Jack Maloney, 24, heads to Sydney this week for the NSW Young Auctioneers Competition.

The T&W McCormack auctioneer said three judges will score him on his voice, his values and diction on Thursday, April 6.

If Jack wins or comes second, he goes into the national finals.

Jack has been with T&W McCormack for seven years – since he left Casino High School – and he plans on a lengthy career as an auctioneer.

Jack Maloney goes for a ride.

A win in Sydney would give him and the company a higher profile.

Casino has sent about four young auctioneers to the comp before.

“Plenty have had a go,” Jack said.

If Jack can bring back the top prize, Casino will certainly celebrate.

With only six weeks until Casino Beef Week, the timing couldn’t be better.

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