Iron Gates back on public exhibition

Iron Gates is back on the DA table.

The Evans Head residential subdivision development application is on public exhibition again in order to identify Water NSW as an integrated development approval body.

The DA has not changed since it was exhibited in September-October 2021, but Richmond Valley Council is obliged to re-exhibit the DA to ensure procedural process is followed as set out by the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

As the proposed development requires dewatering works during construction, the application was referred to the NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

The regulator failed to communicate to the council the changes, which meant Water NSW was not identified in previous public exhibition notices as the correct government agency.

The application will be on public exhibition for one month from Friday, February 18, as required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Submissions must be received by 11.30pm Saturday, March 19.

The full Iron Gates published notice, as well as the development application and supporting documents, can be viewed at the On Exhibition page.

Any person can make a written submission during the exhibition period by sending it to Richmond Valley Council by:

By post – Locked Bag 10 Casino NSW 2470

Email –

Hand delivery to either of Council’s Customer Service Centres in Casino or Evans Head

Online – by completing an online submission form at Have Your Say.

 Submissions, including those received from previous exhibitions of this application, will be considered as part of the assessment process. All submissions will be treated as public documents.

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