Is our third birthday newsy? You bet it is

The glamorous life of a reporter, sitting on the road waiting for the runners in the Casino Fun Run to come by. Photo: Contributed

Susanna Freymark

I almost missed’s anniversary – as usual, I was flat out gathering the news.

Three years ago, the digital news site was born to bring you local news from Richmond Valley and Kyogle areas.

Because it’s a website, the news is almost instant. When there’s a crash on the highway or a bushfire, being digital means I can respond straight away. If this was a newspaper you would have to wait until tomorrow or until a weekly was printed and delivered.

More than a quarter of a million page views on in the past three months.

The largest numbers of readers are from Casino, then Lismore, then Kyogle.

Some stories get a spike of 2000 readers in the first hour and then it drops off, other stories are read by thousands over several days. Your readership gives an insight into how we can provide the best local news stories.

The popularity in Lismore is partly because people from our two shires often have to go to jobs there. Many of them keep an eye on what’s happening back home while they are at work.

Typing up a story while an event was on at the Casino RSM Club. was recently assessed by NewsGuard, an independent international agency that keeps an eye on news sites for integrity, accuracy and responsiveness.

We can proudly say their assessment of was 95 out of 100. You can read the report below.

Going through the assessment process made us think carefully about how we present news to you. For instance, where a story doesn’t have a byline because it didn’t involve an interview, you will see the source for the information at the bottom of the story. It’s important readers know where information came from.

We also make sure we clearly mark any paid stories with a Sponsored banner. You may have seen this during the council elections.

A sponsored story is one that has been paid for by an advertiser.

We go to great lengths to remain independent and fair. Without this, it’s not news but promotion.

Readers have been asking for more. One of the things they want is to get a weekly email about the news. We are working on doing this. You can help us make that possible by completing this survey.

What else do you want to see on your local news site? Email us at

Our main priority is to be local. This is why you don’t see many state and federal government media releases on our site unless they are absolutely relevant to you.

We believe we cover stories you won’t find anywhere else – during the recent council elections we didn’t just introduce the candidates, we went to candidate forums, we did interviews and tried to bring you as much information as we could before you made your decision on who to vote for. We published more than 30 stories during the council elections.

Trying to get a good shot at the Cancer Council Dancing with the Stars event earlier this year.

As always, we thank the advertisers who keep this news free for you. Click on the ads on and show some love and attention to those advertisers.

And when you shop at an advertiser’s business, let them know your saw their ad on

Thank you to all the readers who read us, share us and follow us. We are proud to be of service.

And a special thank you to those who share their stories with me. And those who contribute photos. It helps so much.

Here’s to many more years of bringing you independent, local news.

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