Jeff Law’s big smile will be missed after farming accident death

ABOVE: Jeff Law on the farm he loved. Photo: Contributed

Jeff’s “big smile and cheeky personality” will be missed.

Jeffrey Law, 66, died in a farming accident at a stud farm in Piora, near Casino on Saturday, June 11.

It is believed he was trapped beneath farm machinery at the cattle property.

His accidental death has been keenly felt by family, friends and the wider community.

A Facebook post on the Walanoo Brahmans and Bonna Downs Stockhorses page said he was a “great man to many.”

“He was a beloved husband, an adored father, a loyal brother, a caring friend, and an amazing Poppy.

“His big smile and cheeky personality will be forever missed.”

Funeral details have not yet been released.

Jeff Law at his cattle property. Photo: Contributed

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