Keeping art alive with acquisition prizes on display at club and library

John Walker, Helen Trustum, Ngarie Macqueen, Naomi Brett and Gordon Serone with the acquisition paintings from the Bentley Art Prize.

Susanna Freymark

For years now, Casino RSM Club, Richmond Valley Council, Richmond-Upper Clarence Regional Library, McDonalds Pharmacy and Richmond Dairies have sponsored an art prize at the Bentley Art Prize exhibition.

The money goes to the artist and the venue hangs the artwork.

This means you can view the art while you have a meal at the RSM Club or read a book at the library.

Each organisation has amassed quite a collection.

Ngarie Macqueen from the library said they share the paintings with the all branches including Evans Head, Kyogle, Coraki and Casino.

This year, four of the acquisition paintings are by artist Elena Churilova.

Read more about her art and the Bentley Art Prize here.

The acquisition paintings are:

Rambaldini’s Bridge, Naughtons Gap by Tim Roberts (see this at McDonalds Pharmacy)

Fallen Trees by Joseph Belford (see this at the RSM)

What the Future has in Store by Elena Churilova

Spring by Elena Churilova (see this at the library)

Shipyard by Elena Churilova (see this at the council building in Casino)

Who Said Pigs Can’t Fly by Elena Churilova (see this at Richmond Dairies)

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