Ky flies high after being selected for Netflix film making program

ABOVE: Ky Crethar has been selected for the Netflix program. Photo: Contributed

Ky Crethar from Casino is taking a leap forward in his film making career when he was selected as one of four trainees for the Screenwork’s and Netflix 2022 Regional Crew Development Program.

“I’m a typical country bred boy and this traineeship gives me a rare opportunity to garner the experience I’ll need to flourish and succeed in the industry,” Ky said.

“This traineeship means the world to me, and I cannot wait to see the brilliant things we achieve next year.”

Ky will spend next year learning about a range of industry roles through a mix of paid on-the-job placements backed up by on-campus training at TAFE NSW Lismore in Screen & Media.

He will be employed by Netflix from February.

Other trainees selected were Amos Voltz from Lismore, Eden Cansdell from the Clarence Valley and Tamsyn Turner from Ballina.

Screenworks’ Ken Crouch said that there had been an overwhelming response to the callout for applications from across the Northern Rivers region.

“We were expecting that there would be a good level of interest in these traineeships but were thrilled to receive 130 applications from across the region, with the bulk of the applications coming from the Byron Shire (26%) and Lismore (23%).”

The program is the first joint initiative between Screenworks and Netflix and will start as a pilot project in Northern NSW with the aim of scaling into other regions across Australia.

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