Kyogle Council candidates talk about the big issue of environment

Susanna Freymark

We asked the 12 Kyogle Council candidates about the environment.
Here are the answers from the seven who responded.
What is our biggest environmental issue? What can be done about it?
John Burley: The effects of climate change and instability including risk associated with natural disasters. We need to implement the targets adopted in the Kyogle Council Renewable Energy Action Plan and collaborate to support the production of a regional climate adaptation plan working with Kyogle Council Climate Change working group. Review the LEP and DCP provisions to ensure development criteria adequately protect environmental values
Rob Cullen: Dramatic climate changes leading to longer more severe drought, floods, mega bushfires are impacting on cities, towns and farms. Primary producers are suffering more than urban dwellers. We all have a part to play. Growing up on a farm I’m very water wise. Also, the devastation caused by cats, foxes, wild dogs, cane toads and weeds is greatly ignored.
Tom Cooper: Cane toads are now west of the range. Council needs to facilitate community groups to humanely eradicate these environmental pests. This can be done using an app on your mobile which is a recording of a male cane toad call. Come on let’s get rid of them before it’s too late!
James Murray: Weeds are a huge environmental threat with biodiversity threatened by invasive species such as camphor laurel, lantana and soda apple. Our riverine areas are being denuded by cats claw creeper and bellbirds are causing major loss of hardwood species. NPWS and rural fire brigade restrictions have changed the ecology of some forest areas causing extreme threat to species such as the eastern bristle bird through lack of fires.
Danielle Mulholland: Landfills, climate change, the health of our waterways, carbon emissions per capita, CSG mining, illegal dumping – just to name a few.  Council can provide educational programs around some of these issues and we established a climate change working group to provide council with recommendations for action going forward.
Vickie Steward: Weeds are and cane toads will be significant problems.  I’d like to see landholders (government and private) eradicate more weeds to bring native flora and fauna back.  Private landholders may need help via subsidies and people power.  A promising cane toad tadpole trap has been developed in Queensland, once commercialised I’d like to see support for its use in Kyogle LGA.
Simon Dejoux: Clearly climate change is the number-one global issue of our time, together with the corresponding loss of biodiversity, weed management, waste management and the health of our river systems. Council has a part to play as laid out in its Sustainable Councils and Communities document to help Council prioritise and implement low emission, energy efficiency measures and renewable energy upgrades.

What a waste! Kyogle Council candidates respond


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