KYOGLE: Richmond River to peak at 18 metres at noon today, higher than 2017 flood

ABOVE: Kyogle lower CBD yesterday. The area has now been evacuated. Photo: Kyogle SES

Susanna Freymark

All roads into Kyogle are flooded in what has been classified as a major flooding event.

If you’re in Kyogle you already know this. The rain is continuing all day and is not expected to ease until after 8pm tonight.

Kyogle SES has advised people to stay home if possible.

The Richmond River at Kyogle is predicted to reach around 18 metres at midday, which is above the March 2017 peak of 17.38 metres.

Twenty-five minutes ago, a report came in of an elderly lady in the residence above the old Tyre Power building unable to get out.

A plea was made on Facebook.

“Water is starting to get inside and we cannot get through to SES, not sure why she has been left there. Is there anyone that can help get her out or get on to SES to help please?”

Many people offered their tinnies but Kyogle SES are on their way.

Residents in Wiangaree and the low-lying end of the Kyogle CBD were given an evacuation order last night.

Kyogle Memorial Institute Hall is the official evacuation centre.

Flooding has limited the number of Kyogle Council staff available at the main office, and the office is closed for today.

Staff are still monitoring phone lines, and the afterhours service call centre is available 24/7.

“We appreciate input from residents about issues across the Council road network, but we do need to ask that people limit the contact with Council to urgent matters at this point in time,” Kyogle Council wrote on their Facebook page.

“The council staff are dealing firstly with the broken water main on the Summerland Way that has resulted in no water to the areas south of the railway bridge. Conditions are very difficult to undertake the required repairs, but staff are persevering and hope to restore water supply today, but we ask that residents affected be prepared for the situation where we are unable to restore their water supply today.”

If you have an urgent emergency situation, please call triple zero, or if you need assistance please call the SES on 132500.

Kyogle Council emergency number is 6626 6800.

These websites provide vital information:

Kyogle Disaster Dashboard


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