Last day for parcel post to get there by Christmas, unless you use Express Post

Susanna Freymark

Today, Monday, December 13 was the last day to post Christmas parcels to anywhere in Australia by standard post and expect them to arrive on time. The cut off day for WA and NT was December 8.

The only way to get your parcel to friends and family by Christmas is to use Express Post and this must be sent by December 20.

To send cards the Christmas stamp price for domestic cards is 65c and for international cards, you’ll pay $2.40.

Today I sent some socks with sharks on them to my son in London. It cost $29 in postage to send the $10 socks. He won’t get them until after Christmas of course, I’m hoping the socks will make him laugh in the middle of an English winter.

Casino Post Office is open for parcel collections and posting during the week and on Saturdays from 9am-12.30pm.

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