Market stronger with yarding of 1500 at NRLX

In a yarding of 1500 head at the NRLX today, Wednesday, August 21, cow numbers were at 500.

Young cattle were well supplied consisting mainly of weaners in a mixed quality line up of cattle. 

There were several pens of well bred weaner steers and heifers, along with increased numbers of grain-assisted cattle.

The market was stronger compared to the sale two weeks ago, the sale on August 14 was cancelled because of wet weather. 

Restocker weaner steers were 20c dearer selling from 318c to 462c with the light steers under 200kg averaging 411c while steers over 200kgaveraged 386c/kg. 

Restocker weaner heifers ranged from 190c to 340c/kg.  Yearling steers to background sold from 246c to 410c/kg.

The yarding of export cattle consisted mainly of cows, with insufficient numbers of grown steers for a quote and there were several pens of grown heifers on offer.

The cow market regained the last sales loss to be 15c dearer with 2 score medium weights selling from 215c to 248c while 3 scores averaged 256c and 4 score cows sold from 272c to 288c/kg.

Report by Doug Robson from Meat & Livestock Australia.

Read previous cattle reports from the NRLX here.

The NRLX during the All Breed Sale in July. Photo: Susanna Freymark
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