NRLX: Bull and steer prices increase

Agents yarded a total of 737 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange regular prime sale on Wednesday, April 20.

The yarding consisted mainly of young cattle and a fair penning of cows with young cattle comprised of a good supply of light and medium weight vealers and a few pens of yearlings.

Quality was fairly mixed with several pens of well bred cattle however there was also some plain cross bred cattle through the sale. The largest percentage of the cattle were acquired by restockers.

Cow prices were stronger this week averaging 327.3c/kg and reaching a top price of 388.2c/kg.

Heifer prices saw a significant increase this week with lighter heifers up to 250kg averaging 649.5c/kg and topping their category at 778.2c/kg.

Heavier heifers over 250kg averaged 564.5c/kg and reached a top of 640.0c/kg.

Bull prices were back up with 14 head sold averaging 368.3c/kg and 554kg.

Steer prices also saw an increase with lighter steers up to 250kg averaging 706.6c/kg and reaching a top price of 870.2c/kg.

Heavier steers over 250kg averaged 598.2c/kg and topped their market at 680.0c/kg. A small number of bullocks sold on the day averaged 364.5c/kg.

As with most other categories, vealer prices were stronger this week with lighter vealer up to 250kg averaging 699.2c/kg and reaching a top of 918.2c/kg. Heavier vealer over 250kg averaged 566.1c/kg with a top price of 728.2c/kg.

Ray White Rural held a store sale at the NRLX on Friday, April 22 with 1,674 head going under the hammer.

Steers topped their category at 936.2c/kg and averaged 649.6c/kg and 247kg and heifers reached a top of 852.2c/kg and averaged 622.7c/kg and 233kg.

Cows reached a top price of $4,150 whilst Cows & Calves topped their market at $4,500.

T&W McCormack and Ramsey & Bulmer will hold a joint store sale at the NRLX this Friday, April 29 Further bookings are welcome.

NRLX business administration coordinator Tegan George

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