NRLX: Heavy bulls sell to top price of 356c a kilo

NRLX agents yarded a total of 744 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange prime sale on Wednesday, November 10.
The yarding consisted of a good supply of young cattle and a few more grown cattle this week.
The yarding of young cattle consisted mainly of weaner steers and heifers, along with a few pens of yearlings.
Quality was mixed, although there were several pens of well bred cattle throughout the sale.

Buyers were active in the market competing strongly on all classes of cattle.

Restocker weaner steers were up to 40c dearer in places for the light well bred steers, ranging from 600c to 898c/kg.
Restocker weaner heifers followed a similar trend to the steers, selling from 500c to 902c/kg.
Restocker and feeder yearling steers sold from 445c to 646c to be up by 10c, while heifers topped at 630c/kg for backgrounders.

The yarding of export cattle consisted of a good yarding of cows, while there was a few pens of grown steers and heifers.

There were several pens of well finished heavy weight grown steers, selling to a top of 444c, while the heifers sold to 418c/kg.
The cow market saw little change with some lines of well finished medium and heavy weight cows offered.
Medium weight 3 score cows averaged 374c and heavy cows sold to a top of 396c/kg.
Heavy bulls sold to a top price of 356c/kg.
Market Reporter Doug Robson

NRLX: Yarding of 1463 head go under the hammer


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