NRLX Oct 27: Young cattle go to restockers

NRLX agents yarded a total of 902 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange prime sale today, October 27.
The yarding consisted of a good supply of young cattle and a fair penning of cows.
Young cattle were in good numbers, with most of the vealers and weaners in good two-score condition, although there were some plain conditioned cattle throughout the sale.

There were several pens of well-bred steers and heifers on offer.

The largest percentage of the young cattle went to restockers, mainly to western and southern areas.
Competition was stronger with restocker weaner steers selling up to 30c dearer for the well-bred light weights, ranging from 584c to 832c and calves sold to 882c/kg.
Restocker weaner heifers followed similar gains, ranging from 520c to 736c/kg.
There were only a few yearlings with the steers topping at 570c while heifers sold to 552c/kg.
The yarding of export cattle consisted mainly of cows in an improved quality offering. The odd grown steer sold to 409c to process and 452c/kg to feed.

The cow market saw medium weights improve by 5c to 10c/kg while heavy cows held firm.

Medium weight three-score cows averaged 378c, while heavy four-score cows sold to a top of 394c/kg.

NRLX: October 22 cattle sale


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