The price of milk at the farmgate has been contentious for years.
The Australian Dairy Products Federation launched a Milk Value Portal in November last year to restore trust and transparency between farmers and processors.
The First Annual Update Summary Report on Achieving the Australian Dairy Plan showed that 65% of people found it easier to understand farmgate milk price since the website was launched.
There were more than 25,000 visitors to the site.
The Milk Value Portal provides a credible, single source of verified information on farmgate milk pricing across Australia’s eight milk production regions.
Type in a region and prices and other milk factors are displayed.
The Australian Dairy Plan also pointed to positive early signs of improvement in farmer profitability in 2021.
The Australian Dairy Plan is a partnership between Australian Dairy Farmers, the Gardiner Dairy Foundation, Dairy Australia and the ADPF to drive profitability, confidence and unity across the industry.
Check out the Milk Portal here