Our Brenda is on the telly — Watch the video here

Brenda Armfield next to her Moke at this year’s Beef Week. Photo: Contributed

Susanna Freymark

Casino icon Brenda Armfield features on NBN News between 6—6.30pm on Wednesday, July 17. 

Watch Brenda on NBN here.

It is a new segment on NBN news called Your Story.

The new regular segment brings a focus to the people in the community “who inspire and fill us with a sense of pride about where we live,” NBN said.

The Beef Week parade is now called the Brenda Armfield Street Parade in her honour.

Tonight, 79 year old Brenda features as the town crier and face of Beef Week driving around the Casino streets in her hot-green Moke, calling out ‘Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!’ on a megaphone.

Don’t miss her story.

NBN will be making a callout tonight for any worthy stories to feature in the new segment.

Read about Brenda receiving a Local Tourist Hero here.

Good on ya Brenda. Photo: Susanna Freymark
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