PHOTOS: Casino floods, donations come into evacuation centre

ABOVE: Streets of Casino flood. Photos: JW Media

Susanna Freymark

Casino High School is the designated evacuation centre run by the Richmond Valley Council.

Food, water and towels are available there.

Coles Casino has donated more than $500 worth of water.

Casino Rotary is organising a barbecue at the evacuation centre tonight.

Madsen Meats are supplying the meat.

Units in Pratt St. Photo; Jan Danaher

Evacuation Centres

Rappville residents are advised to head to the Rappville Public School.

In Coraki go to high ground at Coraki Uniting Church in Adam Street

The Woodburn-Evans Head Pre School in Woodburn Street is being used as the evacuation centre in Woodburn.

In Kyogle, the evacuation centre is at the Kyogle Memorial Institute Hall.

In Mallanganee, the hall is open for coffee and biscuits and for anyone west of  the range who has to evacuate.

Here are photos of flooded Casino streets from Casino based photographer Jackson Whitney of JW Media.

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