Plans to turn bowlo into a medical centre

A DA is with council to turn the Woodburn Bowlo into a medical centre.

Susanna Freymark

The Woodburn Bowling Club could be turned into a medical centre if the development application currently on public exhibition is approved.

Amanda Moss and Kelly Town want to establish a general practice at 108-116 Richmond Street.

The medical centre has the capacity for three doctors with room to expand to five.

The project has letters of support from Federal MP Kevin Hogan, State MP Richie Williamson, the Woodburn Pharmacy, Healthy North Coast and an anonymous letter in favour of Woodburn getting doctors again.

The details of the conversion of the elevated building from a bowlo to a medical centre including demolition work, building fit out, and carparking can be viewed here.

The end date for the public exhibition is August 28.

The conversion is estimated to cost $495,770

The DA includes a flood report.

The report states that water entered the building for the first time in March 2022.

The report quotes former SES commander Jim McCormack.

“There is no other record of water entering the premise prior to or since this date.”

The bowlo building was used as the Woodburn Hub to support flood recovery, the hub, now called MRNC Woodburn has moved across the road to the former church.

Submissions on the DA can be made by sending it to Richmond Valley Council by:

Post to: Locked Bag 10 Casino NSW 2470


Hand delivery: at either of Council’s Customer Service Centres in Casino or Evans Head.

Online: Use the Submission button within Application Tracker

MRNC Woodburn is now in the former church building on River Street. Photo: Contributed

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