Police fine drivers after dangerous driving on beach caught on video

4WD driver entry access point to Airforce Beach. Photos: Susanna Freymark

A resident filmed two utes driving recklessly on Airforce Beach, Evans Head and the video was handed to police.

On Saturday, March 30 between 1.30–2.30pm, a Queensland-registered white Nissan Patrol single cab ute was travelling with a second Queensland-registered white Nissan Navara dual cab ute on Airforce Beach.

Police said both utes were within the defined area for driving on the beach.

Police said members of the public saw the utes losing traction and performing dangerous manoeuvres up and down the beach. A passenger from one of the utes was seen getting into the rear tray of one of the utes while it was moving.

Tyre tracks on Airforce Beach.

The actions of the drivers were filmed and the footage was supplied to the police.

Within a short time, police located the utes and spoke to the drivers.

A fine of $3176 was issued to the involved drivers and one unrestrained passenger under the Road Transport Act and National Parks and Wildlife Regulations.

Exit from the beach at Evans Head.

Anyone driving on Airforce Beach must follow the rules signposted at the entry to the beach.

The rules are

● Registered 4WD cars and horses only

● Pedestrians have right of way over vehicles at all times

● Maximum speed limit of 20km/h

● No sail or non-motorised craft or vehicles permitted

● Vehicular access is restricted to 4.6 km north of the 4×4 vehicular access point

● Vehicles are prohibited from travelling above the high tide mark

● Vehicles must not stop between signposted nesting signs (August to March)

The cars in this photo at Airforce Beach, Evans Head are not the cars mentioned in this story

Information for this report was provided by Richmond Police District.

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