Proud country cop who led flood rescues and recovery is on King’s Birthday Honours list

Supt Scott Tanner outside Casino Police Station addressing the media. Photo: Susanna Freymark

Superintendent Scott Tanner is one of nine police officers to receive the Australian Police Medal as part of the King’s Birthday Honours, today, Monday, June 10.

Superintendent Tanner is with the Richmond Police District.

He joined the NSW Police Force in 1993 and did general duties at Newcastle, Wallsend, Grafton, Nymboida, Manilla, Gunnedah, Coonabarabran, Dubbo, Armidale and Lismore police stations.

He has been the commander of Richmond Police District since 2020. He describes himself as a “proud country cop.”

In 2022, Superintendent Tanner was the local emergency operations controller during the flood disaster in the Northern Rivers. He was in charge as more than 2500 people in Lismore were rescued and six people died in the floods.

 Superintendent Tanner managed this large-scale event during the emergency and in the weeks following where many people were isolated and unaccounted for.

The brief from the King’s Birthday Honours said his leadership during this time, was of the highest standard.

Superintendent Tanner went on to assist Deputy Commissioner Mal Lanyon in the recovery efforts.

Detective Sergeant Michael Smith from Richmond Police District also received a police medal.

Below is a video of Superintendent Scott Tanner addressing the media about a stabbing in Casino on May 30, 2022.

The information from this report was taken from the Governor General’s office website.

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