Quizmaster John James Maloney has a few curveballs in this week’s quiz.
1 Rod Marsh who died in March 2022 was a great of what sport in the 1970s?
2 How many colours in a rainbow?
3 Gorgonzola cheese originated in what country?
4 What is the name of the classic World War 2 novel Joseph Heller wrote that was released in 1961?
5 What does it mean when someone is described as lily-livered?
6 In what country is the city of Astrakhan?
7 What is astrakhan – the fabric or material – made from?
8 In the periodic table of elements, what does V stand for?
9 Can you name the two pubs in Kyogle?
10 Which band had the 1984 number 1 hit, Owner of a Lonely Heart?

1 Cricket.
2 There are seven colours in a rainbow.
3 Italy.
4 Catch-22.
5 Lacking courage, cowardly.
6 Russia.
7 Closely-curled black or grey fleece of very young karakul lambs from Astrakhan – often used to make coats and hats or to trim them.
8 Vanadium.
9 The Exchange and the Commercial.
10 Yes.