Rain, and lots it, reduces yarding to 566 at NRLX

Heavy falls of rain throughout the north saw a reduced yarding of 566 head at the NRLX on Wednesday, October 2.

There was as many cows yarded as young cattle.  

The yarding of young cattle consisted mainly of weaners with quality fairly mixed.

The market was stronger for well bred restocker weaner steers with most ranging from 290c to 416c.

Restocker weaner heifers sold from 230c to 298c/kg.  

The few yearling steers toped at 364c/kg.

The yarding of export cattle consisted mainly of cows.  

Heavy grown steers sold to a top of 316c and grown heifers sold to 303c/kg.   

The cow market was down by 10c with 3 score medium weights selling from 243c to 264c and heavy 4 score cows ranged from 263c to 285c/kg.

Report compiled by Doug Robson from Meat & Livestock Australia

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