Recognising Reconciliation in our everyday lives

ABOVE: Photos from the Ball by Richmond Valley Council.

The Reconciliation Ball at the Casino RSM on Saturday, June 3 recognised efforts towards reconciliation.

Reconciliation awards were presented to:

Reconciliation in Education: Wendy King and Charlie Caldwell

Reconciliation in Sport Individual: Harold Torrens

Reconciliation in Sport Club: Garry Roberts, Casino All Blacks

Reconciliation in Business: Jumbunna Community Preschool and Early Intervention Centre Inc

Reconciliation in Community Organisation: Jumbunna Community Preschool and Early Intervention Centre Inc

Reconciliation in Community-Individual: Sonia Makings

Pirru Thangkuray project manager Sonia Makings gave the keynote address.

Here is part of her speech:

“With this year’s theme for Reconciliation Week Be a Voice for our Generations I encourage everyone to try and be a voice for Reconciliation in your everyday lives – where you work, learn, live and socialise.

On May 27, 1967, Australians voted “yes” in a referendum to grant Indigenous Australians the right to be included in the census, and for the Commonwealth Government to legislate in Indigenous Affairs.

On June 3, 1992, Eddie Mabo won the Mabo v. Queensland case in the High Court which overturned the legal fiction of “terra nullius” and recognised that native title exists within Australia.

These events are not only a reminder of the devastating impacts on European invasion and colonisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people, but also a big reminder of the power of ordinary people like ourselves, can come together to make a society more just and equitable.

For the work of generations past, and the benefit of our generation’s future, let’s choose to create a more just, equitable and reconciled country for all.

This year’s theme encourages all Australians to be a voice for Reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives, so will you stand up and be a voice for our generations?”

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