Reprieve for showground campers who won’t be evicted and can return after the show, MP says

Two long term campers at the Kyogle Showground – Sarah Hogg and Mick Sullivan.

Susanna Freymark

Sarah Hogg cried “tears of joy” when she found out she and the other long term campers at Kyogle Showground would not be evicted on September 21.

The 40 campers had been told to leave because the Kyogle Show is on at the showground on September 27–28. In previous years, campers packed up, left and returned after the show.

This year they were told not to come back after the show at a meeting with the Kyogle Showground Trust Committee on August 21.

State MP Janelle Saffin stepped in when she heard that 40 people were about to be homeless.

“I was of the view that no matter the complexities, non-compliance and related issues that there had to be an orderly and humanitarian way to work with the people and the different agencies,” she said. 

Ms Saffin has had discussions with the Minister for Lands and Property Office, Kyogle Council and Crown Lands to find a workable solution.

“I have secured a stay on actions whilst we all work together and I can confirm that the campers will be able to return to the showgrounds after the show,” Ms Saffin said.

“However, that is not a long term solution and there are many layers of complexity.”

The Showgrounds are on NSW Crown Lands and managed by the Showground Land Manager for the Kyogle Showground Reserve Trust.

Crown Lands has no operational role on the site, Ms Saffin said.

“The Showground Land Manager has allowed people experiencing homelessness to camp at the showground however it is not an official campground,” she said.

“They will need to apply for a development application to the council if they want a legal campground at the site.”

Ms Saffin has been told about the 40 people camping on the site, including families with children at local schools and people with disabilities and serious health issues.

“I am supporting Homes NSW and Kyogle Together to support the campers in finding other housing solutions,” she said.

Read more about Sarah Hogg and Mick Sullivan .

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