In the 2019 bushfires, 95% of Bungawalbin including its significant wetland was burned.
Envite Environment’s Maree Thomson said funding from the Landcare Led Bushfire Recovery Grants helped restore the important wetlands.
“The Bungawalbin area is part of a large wetland system which contains lowland subtropical rainforest, coastal swamp forests, coastal floodplain wetlands and dry sclerophyll forest and is one of the most significant areas of fauna biodiversity in north-east NSW,” Ms Thomson said.
World Wetland Day, Wednesday, February 3 focusses on taking action to restore, repair and protect wetlands.
Other significant wetlands in NSW include:
Blue Lake
Fivebough and Tuckerbil Swamps
Gwydir Wetlands
Hunter Estuary Wetlands
Lake Pinaroo
Little Llangothlin Nature Reserve
Macquarie Marshes
Myall Lakes
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