This afternoon Tomki Rural Fire Brigade and Caniaba Rural Fire Brigades, responded to an escaped hazard reduction burn on private property today, Sunday, August 4.
The fire was quickly rounded up and extinguished.
The RFS advised – If you start a fire and it goes out of your property, you could be liable for any damage caused by the fire. If smoke from the fire causes a car accident because of poor visibility you are at fault. Before you light up, notify your neighbours and let the RFS know of your intent to burn.
This can be done online at the RFS website.
Mallanganee Rural Fire Brigade members were out at training today when the crew was called to a grass fire threatening homes at Jubullum Village, Tabulam.
When the crews arrived, there was a fire burning around two houses, metres away from another house. The fire had made it to the fence line of the homes before it self-extinguished on the green lawn.
The crews worked on the fire around the houses and were able to put them out with no loss of property.