Cow demand slipped because only one processor at cattle sales

ABOVE: NRLX sales resume on January 12. Photo: NRLX

NRLX agents yarded a total of 434 head at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange prime sale today, Wednesday, December 15.

Restockers were in the majority competing strongly on the mixed quality offering of younger cattle.

This category sold to significantly dearer trends on what was a mostly weaner penning.

Only one processor was present to compete on a limited cow offering.

Steer weaners under strong demand saw a pen of light steers sell to 1004c/kg.

The middle drafts of steers slipped 3c/kg but there was still strong demand from both the west and New England.

The heavy drafts were substantially dearer. Light yearling steers also sold to significant backgrounder competition as did the heifer portion.

Lesser quality and limited numbers saw diminished demand for grown steers and heifers.

With only one processor, the cow demand slipped considerably, particularly the medium weights.

Heavy weights settled up to 27c/kg, with cows back to the paddock significantly more.

There was strong interest in vealer and light yearling bulls back to the paddock. NRLX sales return on January 12.

Meat Livestock Australia reporter Stephen Adams

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