Susanna Freymark
Amelia was “over the moon” when she saw a line of her poem published in a book.
Urbenville Public School principal Chris Sifko said the favourite part of showing the book Fighting Spirit was Amelia’s reaction.
Students entered the Kids News Bushfire Poetry Competition in February.
’”All our students were encouraged to write poems about the bushfires and how they felt about them,” Mr Sifko said.
“We didn’t expect anything out of it.”
Students from across Australia entered and a few students’ poems were selected to be featured in Fighting Spirit.
Nine year old Amelia is the youngest student to feature in the book.
Her face and reaction were priceless when Mr Sifko presented a copy to her.
Amelia deserved her success having done 12 drafts on her poem, working on it during lunchtimes.
The school Facebook page read:
“Amelia we are so super proud of you!
And even prouder of the humility you showed receiving such a huge honour! UPS pride at its best!
The year just keeps getting better and better for our students! How much higher can our students soar, the skies the limit!”